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Frankie Joiris

Frankie Joiris is one of the top-notch animal trainers in the film, commercial, and TV industry, and believes strongly in the tie between training and a great relationship with your dog. She has worked on popular shows like Sex and the City and Law and Order, as well as movies featuring stars like Angelina Jolie and Robin Williams, training animals for the likes of Hulu and Disney as well as every major television network. As both a competitor and coach she consistently helped teams to reach their goals and dreams, from getting their very first titles to top wins on the National stage with extensive experience in agility, obedience, and trick work as well as field and sport events.


I'll jump in here with a 'novice' testimonial to Frankie's talent and patience. The video instruction is top notch and even better is her advice when you submit your own videos. Frankie never makes you feel as though you are behind or failing, regardless of your level. She gives concrete suggestions and ways to work through problems. Her methods are not a 'one size fits all', but instead she demonstrates and breaks down what she has proven with a variety of dogs, and helps you figure out how your dog learns best and how to reach your goals. And most of all, Frankie's classes are FUN for both dogs and humans! - Robyn